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Map of Jakarta transport: transport zones and public transport of Jakarta

You can find on this page the Jakarta transport map to print and to download in PDF. The Jakarta transportation map presents the transports network and transport zones of the transit of Jakarta in Java - Indonesia.

Jakarta transports map

The Jakarta transport map shows all means of transportation in Jakarta. This transports map of Jakarta will allow you to move easily with public transport of Jakarta in Java - Indonesia. The Jakarta transportation map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia . It is an urban metropolis with over 8 million inhabitants. It is predicted that over four million residents of the surrounding Jabodetabekarea commute in and out of the city each working day. As a growing megacity, transportation issues have significantly arisen and it has been estimated that in 2020, without a major transportation breakthrough, traffic jams will overwhelm the city and cost the city 65 billion rupiah. Since 1980, more than 25 general and special subject studies have been conducted related to Mass Rapid Transit in Jakarta as its shown in Jakarta transports map. One of the major reasons for this lengthy process lies in the outbreak of the economic crisis in 1997. Before the crisis, a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme was considered for the MRT, calling for private sector involvement. After the crisis though, BOT implementation proved infeasible as a privately-funded venture, and the MRT Project was proposed again as a government-funded scheme.

Current public transportation in Jakarta consists of various types of buses, starting from the very small bemo and pickup sized mikrolet, to slightly larger minbuses and full sized city ​​buses (see Jakarta transports map). There are also both two and four wheeled taxis . Other current transport systems include the TransJakarta bus rapid transit system and the Jabodetabek Commuter Railway. PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (PT MRTJ) is a limited liability (Perseroan Terbatas) company founded by the Jakarta Provincial Government. Its establishment was approved by the provincial parliament (DPRD) on 10 June 2008 and final establishment was by notary act on 17 June 2008. Its purpose is to operate the Jakarta MRT System. The shares are made up from 99% Jakarta Provincial Government and 1% PT Pasar Jaya (another Jakarta Reginal-Government-Owned-Company). PT MRTJ is classed as a Regional-Government-Owned-Company (Badan Usaha Milik Daerah-BUMD).

The Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit System is an ongoing transportation infrastructure project in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. It is comprised of a partially elevated and partially underground railway system . Construction of the first phase of the project is due to start in 2010 and is planned to be operational in 2016. The first phase is 14.3 kilometers (8.9 mi) long from Lebak Bulus to Dukuh Atas as you can see in Jakarta transports map. The completion of this first line will mark the start of creating a complete MRT network, which will become the backbone of Jakarta transportation for the next few decades. Public transportation in the city is by bus or minibus. The becak, or tricycle taxi, is used only for local neighbourhood transportation, and regular taxis now operate throughout the metropolitan area.